
Migraines: Everything You Need to Know

July 29, 2022

Migraines: Everything You Need to Know

Typical symptoms and signs of migraine

Typically, the most prominent sign of migraine is the throbbing headache that occurs on one of your head's sides. The headaches can cause moderate to extreme pain. However, migraines are distinct from headaches in the sense that they typically progress through the four stages of prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome. Each stage has specific symptoms. The first phases could provide warning indicators that a migraine may be near.

How do I relieve migraine?

There's currently no treatment for migraines, but they can be controlled effectively using the appropriate treatment. It's important to be aware that you might not be able to find the best treatment for your needs right away -- you might need to experiment with a couple of different options before settling on the most effective.

However, the majority of people are able to determine that the most effective method to treat migraines is not to use painkillers; instead, lying down in a quiet room. Migraines are frequently aggravated by bright light and loud noises; therefore, getting rid of these triggers can help tremendously when trying to control the symptoms of aura and pain.

If this doesn't alleviate the symptoms, supplementing with painkillers available over the counter will usually aid in managing discomfort effectively. Ibuprofen, paracetamol, or even aspirin are all effective in relieving migraine pain; however, it's crucial to keep in mind that they're most effective when taken before the first signs of an attack of migraine. That is why it's ideal to begin taking painkillers as soon as aura symptoms begin to appear. If you're a migraine patient who doesn't experience aura, it is recommended to start taking painkillers as soon as you begin to feel pain instead of when pain is the most severe.

Although over-the-counter remedies are beneficial for many migraine sufferers, for others, the symptoms may become so intense that painkillers aren't effective in relieving them. In such instances, it's crucial to visit your GP to figure out the most effective treatment for you. If your GP is able to determine that prescription drugs are the best option to treat migraines, they'll recommend a specific type of medication known as triptan.

How do you define triptan?

Triptans are the family of drugs for migraine symptoms that don't respond to painkillers or rest. The treatments are believed to function by binding to serotonin receptors that are located in brain nerve endings and blood vessels. It is believed to stop the release of neuropeptides that cause inflammation which are proteins that neurons use to communicate with each other.

The most commonly prescribed triptans include:

  • Sumatriptan
  • Rizatriptan
  • Zolmitriptan

Triptans are a kind of medication often called an "abortive" treatment. Although they are effective in treating migraine headaches in individuals after they've begun; however, they are not effective as a preventative remedy. Furthermore, they're only effective in treating pain caused by migraines. They shouldn't be used to treat other forms of pain.

It is important to keep in mind that triptans are meant to be used for short-term use only. If you take triptans for a long time frame, it can result in headaches from overuse. These headaches could be extremely painful; therefore, it is essential to take the medication according to the instructions given by your GP or pharmacist.

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