
How to Avoid Mosquito Bites?

January 18, 2023

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites?

Are you planning to go on vacation? Be sure to protect yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses.

You're probably traveling to hot climates this year. Sunshine and beach? Walking through the dense forest? You may be enjoying your leisure time with mosquitoes that carry parasites and viruses. They can transmit them to your family and friends while they feed off your blood.

In this situation, you'll need the best method to stay clear of and deter them.

Beware of Breeding Grounds

Mosquitoes require warm and humid places to reproduce -- they lay their eggs in stagnant water. Therefore, it is a matter of that stagnant pools of water and even a bird bath that is dirty may be infested and should be avoided.

Physical Barriers

It is beneficial to have multiple different levels of security. If one is not working, the next one will still be able to deter insects. Mosquito nets are constructed with a fine mesh that is specifically created to keep mosquitoes away from you. The holes within the mesh are small enough to prevent mosquitoes from entering but allow air circulation while you rest.

Another effective method to repel the bugs is to block their pathway to your skin using things as easy as wearing loosely-fitting shorts, sleeves, and trousers. Mosquitos aren't able to bite on loose clothing, and it is believed that they prefer dark shades; therefore, it is advised to avoid wearing brightly colored clothing.

You can also make your environment less favorable for mosquitoes by turning down the temperature in your room.


Being aware of the kind of mosquitoes that live in the area that you're in will lower your chance of being infected.

Anopheles Mosquitos: Anopheles Mosquitos have the potential to spread malaria. They are active during the night; however, they are active at dawn and dusk too.

Aedes Aegypti: This mosquito transmits dengue and yellow fever and is active throughout the daytime and during suck and dawn.

DEET - Your New Best Friend

It's true that DEET (Diethyl Toluamide) smells like a disinfectant, but that's not what it is. Certain mosquitoes are little more than nuisances. However, other species harbor microorganisms that could cause diseases, such as:

  • Malaria
  • Dengue Fever
  • Yellow Fever
  • West Nile Virus
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Zika Virus

Humans can be infected when insects feed; if untreated, the diseases could be fatal. Although you can make use of natural repellents like lemongrass, essential oils, and citronella, they aren't as efficient as chemical solutions that contain DEET.

Do not spray DEET as perfume on your clothing and body. However, you can spray a small amount on your hands and rub it into areas such as your elbows, wrists, ankles, forehead, and wrists.

Prevention is better than cure.

Before you travel, make sure you have conducted your research about the area you'll be visiting and are fully aware of the dangers. The pharmacist in your area can offer you guidance on this issue as well. In addition to insect repellents as well as post-care relief, you must take preventive measures against microbes by getting vaccinations.

Vaccines can reduce the risk of getting sick even if affected. Certain countries require yellow fever vaccines and cannot let you leave the terminal without having a certification of vaccination.

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